My 14 1/2 year old son went shopping with his friends today. Look what he came home with!!!
Ok Ok I'm calming down. sometimes I forget that he is actually growing up. I'll just do like Carrie says and keep telling him how 'cute' he looks with it!!
:) I think it'll all be okay Nat! It's all about picking your battles. It's a belt. Could be lots worse. Don't let on that you aren't thrilled with it. In fact, act like you LOVE it and chances are he'll hate it within a week or 2. :)
Brady had a belt like that...I think itll be earrings or anything like that. I agree, pick your it for a time you really need to pick it.
Pick your battles. It's not "that bad." As long as he's otherwise a wonderful boy, let it go. Making a stink will only make him love it more! (I have a 16yo and a 12.5yo, and a me how I know.)
Mine are smaller still but I know how you feel. Carrie is right, act like you like it. You hating it is a good thing at this age! It's not bad and as long as he is a good kid you have nothing to worry about! Hope you feel better after all the comments! Take care, Nat!
I so know what your going through!! My daughter is 13, yesterday we went shoe shopping at Nordstroms she tried on every goddy stiletto in the store, and begged for a pair! My comment to her, "like your father would let you out of the house with those on". I wish they would stay little forever:) Laura
Haaa! Now that is a boy after my own heart. I remember my first studded belt too LOL and the look on my mom's face. love ya Nat. You and he will both be fine ;)
{{{hugs}}} It's all good. ;) Really it is!
Rae :)
:) I think it'll all be okay Nat! It's all about picking your battles. It's a belt. Could be lots worse. Don't let on that you aren't thrilled with it. In fact, act like you LOVE it and chances are he'll hate it within a week or 2. :)
Awwww. It's not that bad....He'll be fine. I don't think piercings and tatoos are next. :)
Brady had a belt like that...I think itll be earrings or anything like that. I agree, pick your it for a time you really need to pick it.
Pick your battles. It's not "that bad." As long as he's otherwise a wonderful boy, let it go. Making a stink will only make him love it more! (I have a 16yo and a 12.5yo, and a me how I know.)
Oh, it's ok....really!
And if he does have tattoos and piercings it will STILL be ok. I have 5 tattoos and have had about 14 piercings.
soo totally true elizebeth...
Mine are smaller still but I know how you feel. Carrie is right, act like you like it. You hating it is a good thing at this age! It's not bad and as long as he is a good kid you have nothing to worry about! Hope you feel better after all the comments! Take care, Nat!
Awwww- THis will be me in a few years, Hang in there :')
I so know what your going through!! My daughter is 13, yesterday we went shoe shopping at Nordstroms
she tried on every goddy stiletto in the store, and begged for a pair! My comment to her, "like your father would let you out of the house with those on".
I wish they would stay little forever:)
Haaa! Now that is a boy after my own heart. I remember my first studded belt too LOL and the look on my mom's face.
love ya Nat. You and he will both be fine ;)
lol. Tell him you love it! :) That'll throw him for a loop!
I agree with the above comment...tell him how much you love it!! It will be ok!! ((Hugs))
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